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Three Basic Services:


A safe place, a place to put into words important things that often stay just beneath the surface of your awareness , a place to be seen, honored, and accepted as you are, and place to change, grow, and heal. Interactive guided imagery, dream work, energy psychology/energy psychotherapy/bodymind psychotherapy, the enneagram, breath work, inquiry, or energy testing, and/or movement may be part of your session.

Healing Touch

A time to receive, a time to rest your conscious mind and slip into those parts of yourself that seem too deep for words, to invite sacred energies to help, heal, and guide you, to enter into the gentle world of pure energy, of color, sound, vibration, and sensation. This work is done lying down on a massage table, fully clothed, as soft music plays in the background.

Tai Chi and Chi Kung

A way to awaken to the intelligence of the body, a way to get out of your head and into your body, a way to navigate the energy pathways of your body through breath, movement, and the focus of your mind, a way to release your body from the hidden tension and contraction of the day, a way to calm your mind. Practices are simple, may be adapted for any fitness level, easy to remember, and fun.

Three Ways to Receive Services:

Individual session

The individual session may include a combination of modalities, i.e. psychotherapy, healing touch, and tai chi or chi kung, or it may consist of one specific service. If you desire a combination of services, it is recommended that you sign up for a 1.5 hour session, as often 1 hour does not allow sufficient time. A popular combination of services is to include both psychotherapy and healing touch.

The cost for a 1 hour session is $85; 1.5 hours, the cost is $125; 2 hours the cost is $170. Payment is due at the time of appointment. Third party insurance payment, including insurance and credit cards, are not accepted at this time. If you wish to file insurance, or gain reimbursement through your flex plan, check first with your carrier to determine their rate of reimbursement and their procedures for payments for services provided by out of network providers. Sandy will provide you with a receipt for the services you received, and you can file for reimbursement directly with your insurance carrier.

Weekly classes

Sandy offers weekly Tai Chi and Chi Kung classes Monday-Thursday at a variety of locations in the community, including Blessings Project Foundation, Shepherd’s Center, Wake Forest University Medical Center, & Knollwood Baptist Church. Please go to for exact times, fees, and driving directions. If you sign up on the website for our email mailing list, you will receive updated information on all classes and workshops. You may also email Sandy at or call 336.724.1822.

Retreats and Workshops

Sandy offers workshops and retreats for many different kinds of audiences. She has presented at the National Qigong Association Conference and the Healing Touch International Conferences, as well as Northwest Area Health Education Association, local nonprofits, churches, foundations, and general audiences. Her workshops and retreats offer the opportunity to explore the philosophy and theory behind the many of the tools and practices she uses, acquire and deepen skills for healing, self help, and effective change, as well as a chance to participate in a communal context for learning, healing, support, rest, fun. If you want to be notified about upcoming workshops and retreats, please join Sandy’s email mailing list.

To learn about current and past workshops, please visit our
Workshops Page.